Thursday, November 27, 2014

Found Footage, The Rec Age

                    Found Footage, The Rec Age

There are a few found footage films that tower over all the rest. Amongst these films only one film and its sequel deserved to be considered the best of the best
    “Paranormal Activity one and two right?”
    Although they are both quality films. They are not in the league of Rec and Rec 2.
These two films not only can teach you lessons in how found footage films should be made, but how a sequel to a great film should be done. The second film is better in almost every way as compared to the first and the first Rec film is really good. Rec 2 fills in the blanks and raises the stakes for all involved. If you wish to become a film maker some day and found footage filmmaking is your goal then studying these two films is a must.

Here is a look at the trailer for Rec.

Here is the trailer for Rec 2.

Now we will go beyond the first two films to look at Rec 3. Where the director is different. This is an important change and you can tell by the quality of the film. The movie starts as a found footage film, but break the camera at the end of Act I and becomes a narrative film. The idea was sound, but the execution is poor. The greatest found footage franchise ever was now in trouble of falling off the earth.

This is the trailer for Rec 3.


Now we come to the comeback film. Rec 4 is hitting theaters soon and although it is not a found footage film. It is written and directed by the original film maker and features the original star. This could restore the franchise back to the level of the first two films.

Here is the Trailer for Rec 4.



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In closing I would like to announce that my book on how to make a found footage film is live on Amazon. You can find it here and it would make the perfect gift for the film maker in your life.

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